
build and deploy a spring boot base app https://github.com/awannabeengineer/spring-boot-experiment

use go releaser with github actions https://github.com/awannabeengineer/test-act-actions

work on fixing the crontab issue. scripts are being run with no affects. suspect nix problem test with * * * * * to run every minute and log env to file

env >> /home/wbe/Vaults/wbe/cron_env.log
echo "Starting update.sh at $(date)" >> /home/wbe/Vaults/wbe/update.log
# which git is being used
echo "which git: $(which git)" >> /home/wbe/Vaults/wbe/update.log
# git add -A
# git commit -m "daily update"
# git push origin master

cause: git was installed via nix and nix was not included in crontab’s PATH

adding nix to path fixed the issue