1 - Evaluate and possibly move to resticprofile
Using a tested configuration framework can ease development and increase reliability. To configure restic instead of the DIY script
2 - backup form two computers to one repository
- Note behavior of Shared vs non-shared files
- Use key per user to prevent access by other users
3 - set size threshold to limit backups
Prevents surprises limits exposure in terms of cost used dry-run to determine storage space for new snapshot and set threshold to limit it
4 - setup policies for snapshot removal
Lowers storage needs which improves cost.
5 - setup repo on B2 bucket
Improves cost. Better pricing for storage and free egress for up to three times the storage size.
6 - Add Tags
To keep track and organize, should allow for easier management of backups in the long run
7 - Manually run a restore test
To test functionality works.
8 - Blog about progression about
To recap what was done and also solidify the information in your head by forcing to write it in an organized manner.
Allows practicing writing, and promotes the concept of working in public